Event Details

Land information management system (LIMS) Contract agreement between Land Reforms Board (LRB), Ministry of Land and Mysoftheaven (BD) Ltd

Land information management system (LIMS) Contract agreement between Land Reforms Board (LRB), Ministry of Land and Mysoftheaven (BD) Ltd

Initially the Land automation project will be piloting in Tejgaon Circle and Iswardi Upazila with their subordinate ULO office. Next phase we will work with more 12 upazila that authority already confirmed us.

The system have the following module:
1. Land Mutation Management system.
2. Land Mutation Review management system.
3. Land Misc case management system.
4. Land Development Tax management system.
5. Rent certificate management system.
6. Budget management system.
7. Case tracking system.
8. Employee information management system.
9. Query and Inquery management system.
10. Monitoring dashboard for all DC, Divisional comissioner, LRB and Ministry of Land.

Pray for us so that we can successfully complete the piloting.